Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Watercolor-post forcast

I was in a writing workshop for a whole day and here are a couple of bring-home messages:

1) I write no worse than native English speakers. Very soothing to know ;)

2) (Scientific journal/serious) writing = oil painting, and blog writing = watercolor painting. When oil-painting we start with sketching an outline, then we paint and repaint until we are happy with the result/tried of changing. Watercolor painting though doesn't give us many chances for revision, and we are supposed to finish in a shorter period of time. Also an outline only exists in our mind.

The revelation here is that blog writing can help me in organizing and communicating my thoughts swiftly. This is perfect as I don't have much time to write lengthy stuff anyway. So from now on I need to train myself to hit the point as fast/precise/brief as I can.

I foresee more "water-color" posts in the future.

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