Saturday, July 7, 2007

缘起/ Where the story begins


我是学生态出身 的,可做博士这些年里一直和经济打交道。刚刚找了个工作,职称居然也是“经济学家”,到现在自己还没适应呢。 我在中国长大,在中国受的 教育,总觉得骨子里是最典型的林语堂笔下“生活在半梦半醒之间”的中国人。可来美国这些年,如白驹过隙。现在快要离开了,心里有太多不舍,倒觉得自己“反 认他乡是故 乡”了。 



I was born in the year of the rabbit, so it's not surprising to see both rabbit and grass in my blog names. But the theme of this blog is not about food. Instead, it's about my experience in doing trans-disciplinary research and livng a trans-cultural life.

Trained as an ecologist, I've been working in economics for my PhD research. The job description of my newly-found job in Australia also says "economist", which I haven't quite got used to myself. Growing up and educated in China, I found myself exactly like those typical Chinese described by Lin Yutang. However after being in the US for six years, I found it's difficult to say farewell. I got confused sometimes, as I use "home" to refer to both China and the States.

Perhaps "living on the edge" is the term to summarize my life.

Still, for me to live is to experience. Therefore I'm always curious and want to check out the grass on the other side of the fence. Ideally, I can find beautiful scenes and food for thought here, there, and everywhere in between.

Now, for those who cannot read Chinese. My blog name is "Jiao Tu San Ku," a Chinese idiom says, a smart rabbit (of course!) has three homes (to hide from hunters /dogs).

Hopefully I will be able to establish my comfort zone wherever I am.

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