Sunday, July 8, 2007

悠悠自传/ Who is Yoyo?


悠悠的英文名儿是木木给起的。 Yoyo 是只绿色的卡通兔子,他多半时间上窜下跳是个开心果,可也有时候多愁善感象个林妹妹。 可据木木说,最大的相似之处是“笑起来都傻傻的”。

悠悠从十几岁开始写日记(最早是被老师逼的),到现在日记本也成山了。每次搬家,总是负担。而今终于下定决心,效仿iGoogle, 将日记上网,随我天涯。

当 然博客和日记不同,前者总有娱乐大众的义务,也有”秀“的成分。 更重要的是,日记里那些”哎呦呦,牙齿疼的好厉害“的呻吟似乎难登堂入室,在博客上 占一席之地。取而代之的,想来是具有建设性的”快用小白兔儿童牙膏吧“。 这也是使得悠悠最终下决心放手一”博“的主要原因。 


可 这个思维方式也有不利的地方,那就是满足于现状,不思改变,折腾劲儿不够。具体表现为遇事拖拉,上了轿也不扎耳朵眼儿。 “静如处子”倒是不假,“动如 脱兔”却还不能够。日记里也蠢蠢欲动过无数次了,只是心动总是见不到行动。悠悠的如意算盘是那些日记里的信誓旦旦一旦在博客上被大白于天下,就具有法律效 力了,群众的眼睛是雪亮的啊。

当然,自觉接受监督的同时,更要为人民服务。 悠悠没有什么独门绝技可秀,但茶余饭后喜欢干的事还是有几件 的,包括1)鼓捣着吃,2)满世界蹓跶,3)异 想天开,4)记录从事1)2)3)时的感受。 其实也喜欢睡觉,下雨天尤甚,有树熊的美称,但这一项观赏性娱乐性都不强,属于“独乐乐”范畴,就算了吧。

Yoyo, 32 years old, single but attached to her partner MM.

MM named Yoyo after a green cartoon rabbit, who jumps up and down 80% of the time but gets very sentimental for the rest. According to MM, though, the biggest similarity between the two is "very silly."

Ever since primary school Yoyo started writing her dairy (though it was a classroom assignment at the very beginning) and now she accumulated quite a pile of used dairy books, which she has to carry around with her every time she moves. Finally, she decided to follow iGoogle's model and began her mobile diary in the format of this blog.

A blog is different from a diary of course. But the main reason for Yoyo's switch is that she is looking forward to writing in a more constructive manner. Instead of "ouch ouch", she prefers to "Let's get a band-aid, shall we?"

Not one can hear "ouch" so often from Yoyo. In fact she hardly voices her pain or complains. Not because she doesn't know how but because she thinks a more effective way is to engineer her own mood. "The reason why you can only see shadows is because you are not facing the sun", as somebody once said.

Yoyo is one of those typical Chinese who "sleeps with one eye open (Lin Yutang, My country my people)," which means she is crystal clear about what kind of life she wants, at the same time, she still enjoy her life now very much, even if it's not that ideal. But the downside of this mindset is she is not so desperate about changing for the best and easily settles for the "second best". As a result, she is in harmony and peace as those water lilies by Monet but lacks of the strength of the flowers by van Gogh.

For her the ideal is to combine the two and she has made plans to work on it for a long long time. But, nothing significant has changed so far, and she is tired of making the same new year resolution again and again in her diary. So let's see if the new plan inspired by the Weight watch approach would help. Perhaps the publicity of the blog can push Yoyo over the tipping point?

This blog is by no means only a place to witness Yoyo's new experiment. Let's at least have some fun to start with. Topics that Yoyo'd love to write include food (more than carrot!), traveling, and peculiar ideas. Still the central theme is her trans-cultural and trans-disciplinary experience.


1 comment:

mOOm said...

What do you need to change?