Saturday, September 1, 2007

Love stage I: Blind love/相吸

Yoyo has this theory of three stages of love. She is planning to write three blogs dedicated to each stage. This is the first one.

Stage 1: Blind love.
This is when she just fell in love and the purpose of her life is to love. Normally Yoyo is very laid-back, but at this stage she is quite hyper. Her eyes shine, her smiles are bigger, and she giggles as soon as waking up every morning. Rose is red, violet is blue and her love is perfect.

MM is definitely perfect: he is a Big Bad Bear outside and smart, sweet, and silly inside.

Yoyo always has had this idea of bear-hugging in spite of numerous warning from her biology professors. Who doesn't want an extra colossal teddy bear as boyfriend anyway? So all these bear-related romance perhaps just burst out ever since MM claimed he must have been a bear last life at that dinner party.

Of course Yoyo was ignorant of this for quite a while, at least not until one day she realized she was look forward to MM's emails, which used as high-tech baits by the bad fishing bear.

As an established scholar and a self-taught trader, MM is undoubtedly smart. His unique sweetness, however, is not so easy to detect. It took Yoyo a while to learn how to appreciate and below are two examples.

1) MM normally don't use adjectives, so his email reads like a business letter (luckily there are smiling faces here and there to distinguish the two). Obviously it is not just him, his mum and brother are also not big fans of adjectives either. Yoyo used to believe it was a trait of Britons in general: if they don't use much spices for cooking, then why bother to use adjectives for writing? After Yoyo heard that MM's late father had worn a tie at dinner tables she decided to leave it as a family trait for now.

The only time MM used a cluster of adjectives, though, was a short paragraph where he described Yoyo at that conference. His words were exact, vivid, and most of all, touching.

2) After Yoyo found out she was in love with MM, she went crazy. She preferred to hover him 24/7 but unfortunately, (lucky for MM and perhaps the relationship), MM was 150 miles away. So they talked every night, for at least 1.5 hours and as long as one dropped asleep (99.9% it was Yoyo). Poor MM, how he managed to survive that period before he finally confessed one day, "I don't like talking over the phone."

See how sweet is MM now? But silliness is what ultimately binds MM and Yoyo, and they have reached a consensus on this point as well. Once upon a time, Yoyo asked yet another of her silly questions, "So why you want to be with me?"

"Because you have enough amount of silliness."

As silly as it sounds, the truth is, Yoyo cannot think of a better answer.

(How to define this silliness is blog-worthy and I'll save it for future).

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