Monday, October 29, 2007

Worked this time!

I have been trying to add flax seeds into MM's diet ever since I found out they are good to lower one's cholesterol. We managed to add ground seeds into his yogurt for a while and then he started wrinkling his nose... My recent attempts included flax seed fruit smoothies and flax seed scones but neither was engulfed wholeheartedly.

Then tonight there came the breakthrough! It was half desperation and half luck to think about throwing in heaps of flax seeds into the rice. "It cannot be worse then last time," I said to myself (In an effort to lower our carbo intake I added oats into rice , MM protested in a very peaceful manner--He didn't eat much rice at all).

He loved it this time! "It might even be better then plain rice, " to cite the happy bear. He also gave the other two dishes I made tonight "top ratings" (not sure how much is due to the spillover effect though). In case you're curious, one is Indian style lentil with spinach and cilantro, and the other is grandma's best stir-fried tomato, egg and cucumber.

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